What to Expect

Stepping into any new environment for the first time can be a little intimidating. This is just as true of a church as it is of anywhere else. For this reason we want to give you an idea of what to expect when you attend.

Check out our brief information video to see and hear about the ministry at Tyler Street Church. Below you will see information about our culture plus programs and ministries we offer for you and your family.


Wear what you like. God doesn't care whether you're formal or casual; after all, He looks at the heart. So come as you are.


Nursery and preschool available in Children's Building during all worship times; Sunday School for K - 5th at 11am.

Service Times & Locations

Contemporary - Saturdays at 5pm (Anderson Hall)

Traditional - Sundays at 10am

Spanish - Sundays at 10am
(Anderson Hall)


No matter what service you attend, the word for our services is engaging. Through a variety of musical methods, both traditional and contemporary, interacting with one another, and our teaching time, we seek to engage with people through our worship services. Whether you want to get involved and connect with others or have some time to yourself, there is a place for you in our services.


Through study and worship, you will be stimulated by rich, deep, even life-changing ideas about spiritual issues. We take on hard topics honestly, offering both support and encouragement. Since the Bible was written by real people facing real-life problems, we search out what message their experiences have for us today.